Dr. Donald Sutcliffe was a neurologist who worked at Noble Hills Care Center, Baltimore, Maryland. He was a colleague of Hannibal Lecter. After finding out about Will Graham's advanced encephalitis, he lied to Will about it due to Hannibal's persuasion, as Hannibal wanted to continue studying Will's psyche rather than introducing the biological element. As well as his colleague, he was very interested in Will and the human mind. When Graham came for another brain scan, Dr Sutcliffe was murdered by Hannibal to ensure that he couldn't tell Will the truth, and Hannibal subsequently staged the scene to make it look like the crime had been committed by Georgia Madchen.
- Dr. Sutcliffe's surname may be based on Peter Sutcliffe, a British serial killer known in the tabloids as "The Yorkshire Ripper."
- Dr. Sutcliffe was employed at Noble Hills Health Care Center.